
PostgreSQL Scheduled Backups: A Complete Guide to Setting Up Automated Backup Processes

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PostgreSQL Scheduled Backups: A Complete Guide to Setting Up Automated Backup Processes


Safeguarding your data is a top priority in today's digital landscape, and with PostgreSQL being one of the most popular open-source databases, ensuring timely and secure backups of your data is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we cover everything you need to know on setting up automated backup processes for PostgreSQL, including reasons to use scheduled backups, various backup methods, scheduling tools, and best practices for efficient and reliable backup management. Discover an easy-to-use solution from Slik Protect that automates PostgreSQL backups and restoration, set up in less than two minutes for confidence that your data is secured and business continuity is maintained.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Reasons to Use Scheduled Backups
  3. Backup Methods
  4. Scheduling Tools
  5. Best Practices
  6. Slik Protect: Automated PostgreSQL Backups and Restoration
  7. Conclusion


PostgreSQL, being one of the leading open-source databases, has gained widespread adoption due to its robustness, scalability, and powerful features. Ensuring your PostgreSQL data is backup up regularly and securely is vital, and scheduling automated backups is the most efficient method to achieve this. In this guide, you'll learn about the importance of scheduled backups, different backup methods, scheduling tools, and best practices to set up a comprehensive backup strategy. Additionally, we introduce Slik Protect, a simple-to-use solution to automate PostgreSQL backups and restoration.

Reasons to Use Scheduled Backups

Scheduled backups are an essential component of any database management strategy. Some key reasons to use scheduled backups for your PostgreSQL database include:

  1. Data Security: Protect your data against accidental deletion, corruption, or damage due to hardware failure or human error.
  2. Automated Process: Eliminate manual intervention, reducing the likelihood of missed or incomplete backups.
  3. Business Continuity: Ensure efficient recovery from data loss, minimizing downtime and preserving data integrity.
  4. Compliance: Stay compliant with regulatory requirements by maintaining accurate and up-to-date backups.
  5. Cost-Effective: Reduce costs associated with manual backup processes, storage, and data recovery.

Backup Methods

PostgreSQL supports multiple backup methods to cater to different requirements:

1. SQL Dump

SQL dump is a logical backup technique where the data and schema are exported into a set of SQL statements. The standardpg_dumputility is used to create a SQL dump. This method is particularly useful for migrating or transferring data between different PostgreSQL instances, versions, or platforms.

pg_dump -U <username> -W -F t <database_name> > <backup_filename>.tar

2. File System-Level Backup (Cold and Hot)

File system-level backups involve copying architecture-dependent data files directly from a PostgreSQL server's file system. By ensuring the proper state of the server—either shut down (cold backup) or using write-ahead log (WAL) archiving and continuous backup (hot backup)—you can create consistent file system-level backups.

// Cold backup example
rsync -a /path/to/data/directory /path/to/backup/directory

3. Continuous Archiving

Continuous archiving combines file system-level backups with continuous archiving of WAL files. This approach provides point-in-time recovery and minimizes data loss by ensuring a comprehensive backup of changes between two base backups. Use thepg_start_backupandpg_stop_backupfunctions in conjunction with thearchive_commandPostgreSQL parameter for this method.

// Edit postgresql.conf
wal_level = archive
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'cp %p /path/to/archive/directory/%f'

Scheduling Tools

To automate PostgreSQL backups, utilize scheduling tools such as:

  1. Cron: The widely-used Unix-based job scheduler. Cron allows you to automate running SQL dump, file system-level, and continuous archiving-based backup scripts.
  2. pgBackRest: A dedicated PostgreSQL backup and restore tool. pgBackRest supports differential and incremental backups, parallelism, and various backup types.
  3. Barman: Another specialized PostgreSQL backup and recovery tool built on top ofrsyncandpostgresqlutilities. Barman offers scalability, remote management, and versatile recovery options.

Best Practices

Consider the following best practices while setting up automated backup processes:

  1. Set a Backup Schedule: Determine backup frequency based on data volatility, importance, and available storage space.
  2. Retention Policy: Define a retention policy considering regulatory requirements, storage costs, and data relevance.
  3. Test Backup and Recovery: Regularly test the backup and recovery process to ensure smooth operations and minimal downtime during failure scenarios.
  4. Monitor and Alert: Implement monitoring and alerting mechanisms for backup processes to ensure any issues are promptly addressed.
  5. Offsite and Redundant Storage: Store backups in secure offsite and/or geographically distributed locations to protect against data center disasters and ensure high availability.

Slik Protect: Automated PostgreSQL Backups and Restoration

Slik Protectoffers an easy-to-use solution to automate PostgreSQL backups and restoration, configured in less than two minutes. By integrating Slik Protect into your backup strategy, you can:

  1. Save significant configuration time with a streamlined setup process.
  2. Ensure data security and complete business continuity.
  3. Enjoy peace of mind with a comprehensive backup solution.

Slik Protect minimizes administrative effort, allowing you to focus on other essential business operations while trusting that your PostgreSQL data is backed up securely and consistently.


Setting up automated backup processes for PostgreSQL is crucial for safeguarding your data in today's digital landscape. By understanding the reasons to use scheduled backups, different backup methods, scheduling tools, and best practices, you can create an efficient and reliable backup strategy. Embrace the simplicity and security of Slik Protect to automate PostgreSQL backups and restoration, ensuring your data remains secure and your business continuity is never compromised.