
Managing Google Contacts Multiple Backups with Ease

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Managing Google Contacts Multiple Backups with Ease: A Comprehensive Guide

Summary:Managing multiple backups of your Google Contacts can be a daunting task, especially as your contact list continues to grow. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various easy-to-follow methods to handle this critical aspect effectively. These methods involve automated syncing, utilizing cloud storage services, and third-party tools. Expertly manage your Google Contacts backups with ease and ensure your connections are safe, organized, and accessible anytime, anywhere.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Automated Syncing to Other Google Accounts
  3. Utilizing Cloud Storage Services
  • Slik Protect
  1. Third-Party Backup Tools
  2. Restoring Google Contacts
  3. Conclusion


As our professional and personal networks continue to expand, managing our contacts becomes increasingly complex. With so much of our communication now taking place online, it is essential to have a reliable and secure system in place for backing up and managing these valuable connections. This comprehensive guide will walk you through some simple but effective methods to manage your Google Contacts backups with ease, ensuring your data remains safe, organized, and accessible.

Automated Syncing to Other Google Accounts

One straightforward method of managing your Google Contacts backups involves syncing your contacts with another Google account automatically. This approach not only allows you to maintain multiple backups but also helps you access your contacts on multiple devices.

To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to theGoogle Contactspage.
  2. Click on theSettings(gear) icon in the top right corner and selectSee all settings.
  3. On theSettingspage, locate theDuplicate contactssection, and click onMerge allto merge any duplicate contacts.
  4. Return to the main Contacts page, click on theExportoption in the left sidebar.
  5. Choose the desired format (e.g., Google CSV) and click onExportto download your contacts.
  6. Log in to the second Google account and go to the Google Contacts page.
  7. Click on theImportoption in the left sidebar and upload the exported CSV file. Your contacts will now be synced with the secondary account.

This process can be repeated with multiple Google accounts, ensuring multiple backups of your contacts.

Utilizing Cloud Storage Services

Another method to manage your Google Contacts backups is through cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. This approach adds an extra layer of security, as your contacts will be available even if something were to happen to your Google account.

Follow these steps to backup your Google Contacts to Google Drive:

  1. After exporting your contacts from Google Contacts (as described in the previous section), save the CSV file to your device.
  2. Log in toGoogle Driveand create a new folder for your backups.
  3. Drag and drop the CSV file into the new folder (or use the+ Newbutton to upload the file).
  4. Repeat this process whenever you need to update your backup, or set reminders to backup your contacts regularly.

Similar steps can be followed for other cloud storage services. By using cloud storage, you guarantee your contacts backups are easily accessible and securely stored.

Third-Party Backup Tools

Slik Protect

Several third-party tools can help manage your Google Contacts backups. One such solution isSlik Protect, which offers an automated backup and restoration process with easy configuration. Slik Protect allows you to set up backups in less than 2 minutes, and once configured, gives you the confidence that your data is secured and never compromised, ensuring business continuity._

To get started with Slik Protect, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for aSlik Protect accountand log in.
  2. Connect your Google account, allowing Slik Protect access to your Google Contacts.
  3. Choose your preferred backup frequency and destination (e.g., daily backups to Google Drive).
  4. Configure the restoration process by specifying how far back you'd like to restore contacts from.
  5. Enable email notifications to receive updates on your backups and restorations.

Once Slik Protect is configured, it will automatically manage your Google Contacts backups and restoration without any further intervention.

Restoring Google Contacts

It's essential to know how to restore your contacts from backups when needed. Google Contacts allows you to restore your contacts within a specific time frame (up to 30 days) or by importing a CSV file.

Follow these steps to restore your Google Contacts:

  1. Log in to theGoogle Contactspage.
  2. Click on theSettings(gear) icon in the top right corner and selectSee all settings.
  3. On theSettingspage, locate theRestore contactssection.
  4. Choose the desired time frame (if applicable) and clickRestore. Alternatively, import a CSV file from one of your backups.
  5. Your contacts will be restored to the state they were in during the selected time frame or from the imported CSV file.

By having multiple backups and knowing how to restore your contacts, you can ensure that your valuable connections remain safe and accessible.


Managing your Google Contacts backups may seem like a daunting task, but with the methods outlined in this comprehensive guide, it doesn't have to be. By leveraging automated syncing, cloud storage services, and third-party tools like Slik Protect, you can easily and effectively manage multiple backups of your contacts. Implementing these strategies ensures your connections are safe, organized, and accessible anytime, anywhere, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on building and maintaining those relationships.