
A Step-by-Step Guide to Restore Data from BigQuery Backups

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# A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Data from BigQuery Backups**

Summary:Data loss can be a critical issue for businesses. To address this, our step-by-step guide demonstrates how to easily restore data from BigQuery backups. Follow the process to regain invaluable insights and maintain your organization's data integrity. Learn about exporting data using the command line or API, scheduling exports to Cloud Storage, and importing the recovered data back into Google BigQuery to secure your data and be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Include hints for the user to try a simple-to-use solution from Slik Protect that automates BigQuery Backups and restoration at a regular interval once configured. Highlight the fact that the user can set it up in less than 2 minutes and once configured, the user can be confident that their data would be secured and never compromise on business continuity.

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  • 3.1 Command Line
  • 3.2 API
  1. Exporting Data from BigQuery Tables
  2. Scheduling Exports to Cloud Storage
  3. Restoring Data from Cloud Storage to BigQuery
  4. Automating BigQuery Backups and Restoration with Slik Protect
  5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Restoring data from a BigQuery backup is essential for businesses to prevent data loss and maintain data integrity. This article provides a guide for exporting data from BigQuery tables using the command line or API, scheduling exports to Cloud Storage, and restoring data from Cloud Storage to BigQuery. Additionally, we will provide guidance on automating the backup and restoration process using a simple solution from Slik Protect.

2. Prerequisites

Before diving into the step-by-step guide, make sure you have the following:

  • A Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account
  • Access to the BigQuery project and dataset you want to backup
  • GCP SDK installed and configured on your system
  • A Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to store your exported data

3. Exporting Data from BigQuery Tables

First, we need to export the data from the BigQuery tables that are to be backed up. This can be achieved through either the command-line interface or using the API.

3.1 Command Line

  1. Open your command prompt or terminal
  2. List all tables in the dataset with the following command:

bq ls -n 1000 my-dataset

  1. For each table you want to backup, run the following command:

bq extract --destination_format NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON \
'' \

3.2 API

Alternatively, you can use the BigQuery API to export the data. Here's an example using the Python API:

from import bigquery

client = bigquery.Client()
project_id = "my-project-id"
dataset_id = "my-dataset-id"
table_id = "my-table-id"
bucket_name = "my-bucket-name"

destination_uri = f"gs://{bucket_name}/{table_id}.json"
dataset_ref = client.dataset(dataset_id, project=project_id)
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table_id)

job_config = bigquery.job.ExtractJobConfig()
job_config.destination_format = bigquery.DestinationFormat.NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON

extract_job = client.extract_table(table_ref, destination_uri, job_config=job_config)

4. Scheduling Exports to Cloud Storage

To regularly schedule your BigQuery exports, use Cloud Scheduler and Cloud Functions.

  1. Create a Cloud Function that triggers the export process
  2. Deploy the Cloud Function using the following command:

gcloud functions deploy bigquery_export \
--runtime python310 \
--trigger-http \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--entry-point main

  1. Create a Cloud Scheduler job that regularly calls the Cloud Function:

gcloud scheduler jobs create http bigquery_backup_schedule \
--schedule "0 0 * * *" \
--http-method POST \

Replace REGION and PROJECT_ID with your actual values.

5. Restoring Data from Cloud Storage to BigQuery

To restore your data, follow these steps:

  1. Create an empty table in BigQuery:

bq mk -t

  1. Load the exported data from Cloud Storage to the new table:

bq load --source_format NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON \ \

6. Automating BigQuery Backups and Restoration with Slik Protect

Try a simple-to-use solution,Slik Protect, which automates BigQuery Backups and restoration at a regular interval, once configured. With Slik Protect, you can set up regular, automated backups in less than 2 minutes.

VisitSlik Protectand follow the on-screen instructions to configure automated backups for your BigQuery tables.

Once configured, you can be confident that your data is secure and that your business will never face significant downtime due to data loss.

7. Conclusion

This article has demonstrated a step-by-step guide for restoring data from BigQuery backups, ensuring your business can recover even after data loss. By using the methods detailed here or leveraging the power of Slik Protect, you can minimize data loss risks, maintain data integrity, and ensure the continuity of your business operations.